Minggu, 16 November 2008

Theory X Theory Y (McGregor)

1. Theory X

- Humans inherently dislike working and will try to avoid it if
they can.
- Because people dislike work they have to be coerced or controlled by management and threatened so they work hard enough.
- Average employees want to be directed.
- People don't like responsibility.
- Average humans are clear and unambiguous and want to feel secure at work.

Shop Floor, Mass Manufacturing. Production workers.

Conducive to
Large scale efficient operations.

Management Style
Authoritarian, Hard Management.

2. Theory Y

- People view work as being as natural as play and rest. Humans expend the same amount of physical and mental effort in their work as in their private lives.
- Provided people are motivated, they will be self-directing to the aims of the organization. Control and punishment are not the only mechanisms to let people perform.
- Job satisfaction is key to engaging employees and ensuring their commitment.
- People learn to accept responsibility and seek responsibility. Average humans, under the proper conditions, will not only accept, but even naturally seek responsibility.
- People are imaginative and creative. Their ingenuity should be used to solve problems at work.

Professional Services, Knowledge Workers. Managers and Professionals.

Conducive to
Management of Professionals, Participative Complex Problem Solving.

Management Style
Participative, Soft Management.

Teori Kebutuhan (David McClelland)

What is the Theory of Needs? Description
The Theory of Needs concept was popularized by American behavioral psychologist David McClelland. Building on earlier work of Henry Murray (1938), McClelland states in 1961 that the motivation of an individual can result from three dominant needs: the Need for Achievement, Power and Affiliation.

1. The Need for Achievement (N-Ach), is the extent to which a person wants to perform difficult and challenging tasks on a high level. Some characteristics of high N-Ach people:
* They want to have success and need to receive positive feedback often.
* They seek to stretch themselves and thus tend to avoid both low-risk and high-risk situations. They avoid low-risk situations because the easily attained success is not a genuineachievement. In high-risk projects, achievers see the outcome as one of chance rather than a result of their own effort. Compare: Attribution Theory
* They like to work alone or with other high achievers.
* McClelland believes that these people make the best leaders, although there can be a tendency
to demand too much of their staff in the belief that they are all also highly results driven.

2. The Need for Affiliation (N-Affil) means that people seek good interpersonal relations with others. Some characteristics of high N-Affil people:
* They want to be liked and accepted by others, and attach importance to a personal interaction.
* They tend to conform to the norms of their work group.
* They strive to make and keep relationships with a high amount of trust and mutual understanding.
* They prefer cooperation over competition.
* Obviously, they perform well in customer service and client interaction situations.
* McClelland believed that a strong Need for Affiliation undermines the objectivity and decision-
making capability of managers.

3. The Need for Power (N-Pow) is typical for people who like to be in charge.
* They can be grouped into two types: personal and institutional power.
- People with a high need for personal power want to direct and influence others.
- A high need for institutional power means that people like to organize the efforts of others to achieve the goals of the organization.
* High power people enjoy competition and status-oriented positions.
* While these people are attracted to leadership roles, they may not possess the requiredflexibility and people-centered skills.
* Managers with a high need for institutional power tend to be more effective than those with a
high need for personal power.

Generally, all three needs are present in each individual. They are shaped and acquired over time by the cultural background of the individual and his life experience. Training can be used to modify a need profile. Nevertheless, one of the needs is the dominant one, also depending on the personality. Unlike Maslow, McClelland did not specify any transition stages among the needs.
The importance of the different needs at work depends upon the position one occupies. The need for achievement and the need for power are typical for middle and top managers.

McClelland's concept is also referred to as the Learned Needs Theory, Acquired Needs Theory, and Three Needs Theory.

Origin of the Theory of Needs. History
McClelland's Theory of Needs was based on the Theory of Personality by Henry Murray (1938). Murray described a comprehensive model of human needs and motivational processes.

Assessing the Needs of McClelland. Test
The Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) can help a person to find out which type of job would be preferable according to his dominant need. By showing the test person a series of ambiguous pictures, he or she is then asked to develop a spontaneous story for each picture. The underlying assumption is that the test person will project his or her own needs into the story. The score can then be used to recommend a special type of job for which the person might be well suited.

Sabtu, 18 Oktober 2008

Mengelola SDM untuk menghadapi abad ke-21

Dalam bisnis, hanya ada satu keuntungan kompetitif jangka panjang dan kunci kepuasan bagi pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan, yaitu karyawan. Memiliki karyawan yang handal dan berbakat dalam industri kita adalah satu langkah kemenangan kita dalam memenangkan suatu persaingan dipasar dan menjaga posisi kita agar tetap di depan para pesaing. Seorang CEO dari sebuah perusahaan multinasional Unilever, Floris A. Maljers memberikan komentar yang cukup menarik "Kendala terbesar yang dihadapi perusahaan dalam menghadapi globalisasi adalah terbatasnya sumber daya manusia dan bukan terbatasnya modal". Ini menunjukkan betapa pentingnya sumber daya manusia di dalam kompetisi dan strategi bertahan baik dalam jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang. Para analis bisnis sangat memperhatikan apakah sebuah perusahaan telah mengelola SDM mereka dengan baik atau tidak, bahkan saat inipun masyarakat juga mulai ikut memperhatikan bagaimana perusahaan mengelola SDMnya. Hal ini tentu saja akan menyangkut reputasi perusahaan tersebut. Yang terbaik akan mendapat yang terbaik juga, reputasi yang baik untuk menarik pelamar, mengembangkan dan memelihara potensi yang baik bersifat seperti magnet yang menarik potensi terbaik ke dalam perusahaan tersebut. Perusahaan yang berhasil adalah perusahaan yang mampu mengelola SDMnya dengan baik dan menjadikan mereka asset yang harus dikelola sesuai kebutuhan bisnis mereka. Tetapi masih banyak perusahaan yang belum menyadari hal ini, bahkan memperlakukan SDM nya dengan semena-mena. Mengapa?


Belajar adalah sebuah kata yang tidak boleh kita lupakan dalam kehidupan kita. Belajar harus selalu ada dalam mindset kita sampai akhir hayat kita. Belajar tidak mengenal usia, tempat dan waktu. Berapapun umur kita, dimanapun kita berada dan kapanpun kita boleh dan sah-sah saja untuk belajar. Dalam Islam belajar termasuk dalam kategori ibadah. Insya Allah akan ada balasan dariNYa kelak. Sumber pembelajaran juga tidak mengenal batas, bisa dari mana saja, dari hal yang paling baik sampai yang terburuk sekalipun. Pada saat dihari akhir nanti, malaikat tidak akan bertanya dari mana kita belajar, malaikat hanya bertanya untuk apa ilmu kita. Berbeda dengan harta kita, pada saat dihisab nanti akan ditanya darimana dan untuk apa harta kita. Oleh karena itu mulai sekarang lebih baik kita belajar dan mencari ilmu sebanyak-banyaknya dari pada hanya sekedar menumpuk harta. Kita hanya perlu menyalurkan ilmu yang kita punya kehal-hal yang baik. Insya Allah akan selamat dunia akhirat. You can start now. Not late for study!!!

Senin, 29 September 2008

Rabu, 17 September 2008


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